• Oblivea

  • Digital Single Release 6.25.24 | Worldwide

  • Release Date: 06.25.24
    ISRC: USPXQ2462501

    Benjamin Kyle (Lead Vox - Guitar)
    Luis Guaman (Guitar)
    Ben Chapman (Bass)
    Jonathan Reynolds (Drums)

    Management Company:
    Victoria Seeger


  • Credits:
    Iron Gate Records - CEO Mark Scoda
    Epic Live Productions - CEO John Miller

    Recording Studio: Outrage Studios

    Ben Kyle - Co Producer
    Ryche Green - Co Producer
    Cain Green - Production Assistant

    Publishing Company:
    Oblivea Entertainment Global, LLC

    Press Release

  • Digital Single Release 4.17.23 | Worldwide

  • The current members are Ben Kyle (Vocals, Guitar), Luis Guaman (Guitar), James Sparks (Drums), and Ben Vorhees (bassist).

    OBLIVEA delivers a unique performance to match their inspired sound. Whether you like rock, punk, pop, or metal-

    OBLIVEA has something to offer you.

    On stage they will keep you wanting more with their visually stimulating light show, props, and more. In the studio OBLIVEA will grab your attention with their original and creative sound and then speak to you on a personal level with their inspired lyrics.

    They are heavy in songs such as PLACE I KNOW and HELL YEAH (currently used by Roctagon MMA) but comforting and soothing in songs such as THINGS YOU SAY and SMILE. This band is rising to new heights fast working with great names in the industry. “OBLIVEA would like to say thank you to everyone that has been a part of our performances through the years. It has been a long hard road, but it is worth it, all the beautiful people we have met. Thank you. Seriously! It was all you, the fans and family. We are all a part, a new voice to the world, we have united in harmony together and we are still here!!” – Benjamin Kyle (Songwriter for the band and Lead Vocal).

  • In 2020 Bongo Boy Records (New York Area) signed OBLIVEA and their singles AWAKENED was released on April 24th and WATCH THE FALL  was released on July 21st both as digital singles. In 2021, Bongo Boy Records released ONE MORE TRY on July 23, 2021. The following year on June 30, 2022 CRASH was released on Bongo Boy Records.

    Each of these singles were also featured and released on the label’s Multiple Artists Album Series; Kryp II Knight and on The FYC Album Series; the 63rd Grammy Awards®, The FYC 64th FYC Album and The 65th FYC Album releases. Each year OBLIVEA was also submitted with their singles besides the featured singles on the album releases to The Recording Academy™ for consideration for a Grammy®.  

    2019 -The Way Things Stand.

    2021- One More Try.

    2022 - Awakened.

    2023 -The Crash.

    OBLIVEA likes to thank you all for your support and they are excited to see you real soon at their live show events. 

  • If you think that rock music, in all its forms, has said all it has to say, has run its course or is due for a much overdue upgrade, then you are probably missing the point of the genre in the first place. Sure, it may have found its perfect form many years ago. It may use pretty much the same musical building blocks to create its sound. But rock music today is less about doing anything revolutionary but building something new out of the old. And it is about the sound, atmosphere, magic and mystery created by manipulating and re-thinking those cranked-up and weaponised blues progressions.

  • On their latest single, Deep Inside, Oblivea doesn’t just create something new; they build nothing short of a whole new set of stunning sonic architecture. The slow groove that runs through the song’s heart is seductive, sensual, slinky and satisfying. The Stygian atmospheres conjured here exist at a place where alternative rock comes crashing through into more gothic realms. And the pace and restraint show that this is a band in complete control of the powers that they wield, in full understanding of the idea of less is more.

    The song is deep, dark, heavy and intense, and it gets there not by showboating but underplaying. Not through showing off and turning up the volume, which so many lesser rock bands think is the answer, but through slowly adding different tones and texters, sonic layers and musical weight to their evolving rock odyssey.

  • The result is a song that slowly consumes the listener in claustrophobic intensity, that pulls you in without you realising just how far you have been drawn into its hidden depths, that smothers you with swathes of abrasive guitars, thunderous drums and depth-charge basses without you even realising you are being eaten alive, metaphorically speaking, by the music.

    And the best thing about the song is that it does all of that without once breaking a sweat or losing the poise and dark, majestic elegance it exudes from start to finish.

    Music Review Published

  • Digital Single Release 7.01.22 | Worldwide

  • THE CRASH Feat Last Obelisk




    2540 Esplanade Avenue | New Orleans, Louisiana 70119-2407 USA
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  • Labels, genres, scenes, styles…they are tricky things to work with. Even ones with the prefix “alternative” seem to pigeonhole an act every bit as rigidly as whatever genre they are defining themselves against. That’s what makes the alt-rock title so limiting. By most people’s reckoning, Oblivea would fit easily into such a definition but I would argue that such a label is not even half the story.

    And new single, The Crash, now out via Bongo Boy Records, is a perfect example of what I’m talking about. Sure, it has the dark and delicious vibes that you would expect, it was the weight and the grunt, the look and the feel of everything pure alt-rock. But wait, that spiralling guitar riff that runs through the heart of the song is pure Van Halen and a more classic rock sound you would be hard to find. There is also accessibility and infectiousness that you rarely find done this well in the genre, an addictive quality that certainly isn’t pop but which seems to have learned a thing or two from the music made in that quarter. Let’s just say that the song has pop awareness.

    There is something slightly “on the edge” about the song, between the more controlled verses there are interludes which feel slightly off-kilter, the sound of a band pushing into oblivion and just about managing to keep everything in check. This quality and the grating, grinding, abrasive nature sends the song in a slightly more industrial direction and the overall brooding nature of the track hint at some more gothic strands to be found in its DNA.

    See what I mean? If this is alt-rock, it is alt-rock with a lot of caveats. And the less it fits comfortably into the modern rock soundscape, the more I love it. Rock was never about fitting in, never about playing by the rules, even those that were made by the rock genre itself, then again, most labels, rules and modus operandi were made by lazy journalists and music writers and you can’t trust those guys (I should know, being one myself.)

    The Crash is a great song, one that will tick a lot of boxes across the music spectrum. The more rebellious rock fan will love its outsider sound and break-out nature. The more discerning goth will love its shaded qualities. The classic rocker will warm to the spiralling riffs and coiling guitars. The more discerning pop picker will be beguiled by its accessible charms. The more industrial and experimental rock fan will dig its grating and abrasive nature.

    It takes a smart band to be both outsiders and yet have mass appeal, to be both commercially viable yet cultish and underground but somehow, Oblivea have pulled it off. (reviewed by Dave Franklin)

    Review Published

  • instrumentation. The bridge is perhaps the musical highlight of the track, the tonal shift creating an entirely different atmosphere and giving the listener a welcome dose of a different sonic texture. It’s fast paced and captivating the entire way through.

    OBLIVEA has impressed us with their songwriting before, and we find those skills once again on display in this single. Despite the high-octane energy of the single from a musical perspective, we find poetic finesse in the track’s lyrics. The band takes us a dark and emotional journey through the song’s title, what is no doubt a traumatic and life-altering crash:


    “Our time stolen tragedy,
    Nether world’s come for their queen,
    Taking my happiness away,
    Our time stolen from me,
    Losing control of everything,
    I can hear her heartbeat fade away
    At the crash”

  • Firey, powerful, and a full-throttle display of this band’s talents; fans of well-written modern hard rock will no doubt find a whole lot to like about The Crash. Those who enjoy OBLIVEA‘s work will find this featured single alongside a host of other talented rock artists on the upcoming Bongo Boy Records compilation album Kryp II Knight Vol. 3 as well – look for it coming soon!

    Listen to The Crash and connect with their website and social media platforms. Please support OBLIVEA by visiting them online, and playing, downloading, and/or purchasing their music, or attending a live show! And, as always, thank you for supporting real music!

    Reviewed  by The Ark Of Music

    Review Published

  • Digital Single Release 7.23.21 | Worldwide

  • UPC 688130658140 | ISRC USHM82168275

  • Swirling guitar rock Oblivea – ONE MORE TRY:  Veteran rockers will feel the pulse pumping for sure, and have flashbacks to Robin Trower as they listen to the swirling guitar rock that Oblivea creates for you on this scintillating single.  Benjamin Kyle originally wrote the tune, then David Ivory, James Sparks and Tommy D contributed too…

    Their guitars just soar throughout this 4:16 gem… while it’s not fully in the “psychedelic” realm, more on the rock side of the spectrum, the lyrics truly tell the story of the angst that outcasts often feel… here’s an example that I thought well written:

    No one knows the pain I hold
    All I ask is please give me a chance
    All I need is one more dance
    Please give me one more try, one more try

    This is the kind of song that will have you coming back again and again, hitting “replay” over and over again… I predict DJ’s of many persuasions will be plugging this fantastic flight of fancy into their playlists frequently…

    Clear talent, high energy and penetrating lyrics make Oblivea a band you’ll want to follow… I give them a MOST HIGHLY RECOMMENDED rating, with an “EQ” (energy quotient) score of 4.98.  Listen to the song on the Oblivea HearNow site for the song.        Rotcod Zzaj

    #Swirling #guitar #rock #Oblivea

  • Oblivea – One More Try (single)

    Bongo Boy Records is an indie label with a real knack for finding underrecognized talent in the ever-crowded music scene of today. Rock artist Oblivea is by no means an exception to the rule. This dynamic group has recently released a single titled One More Try. With plans to be included on one of Bongo Boy’s upcoming multi-artist compilation albums, the label has recognized the skill and passion in this group – and we think you’ll be inclined to agree.

    Complex electric guitar riffs and gritty distorted interludes lead us into One More Try. The vocals have a hint of that classic early ’00s rock tone with a bit of an edge – gritty and fiery. There’s some strong melodic writing here in both the guitar and vocal parts – memorable guitar riffs and powerful, soaring melodies that complement the intensity of the track. The breakdown at around the two-minute mark shows off some impressive drum chops, segueing smoothly into an equally impressive and intricate guitar solo.

  • This track clearly comes from a place of emotion for the lead songwriter, Benjamin Kyle. The raw emotion and intensity in the lyrics are present in every measure, radiating through production to performance. The bulk of the chorus a particularly compelling lyrical moment that evokes authentic feelings of hurt and longing:

    “No one knows the pain I hold
    All I ask is please give me a chance
    All I need is one more dance
    Please give me one more try”

    For fans of gritty, hard-hitting alt-rock, Oblivea will be right up your alley. One More Try is a highly successful blend of hard rock, alternative, and even hints of emo and metal tones – making this a very accessible blend of sounds that will resonate with a variety of modern rock audiences. This powerful track is available now on Bongo Boy Records – and look for it on their upcoming rock compilation album Kryp II Knight Vol. III coming soon.

  • Artist and songwriter OBLIVEA injects a heavy and heartfelt alternative hit into the modern rock scene with this cascading, distorted yet melodic new single ONE MORE TRY.

    Co-written by Benjamin Kyle, David Ivory, James Sparks and Tommy ‘D’, the song brings together the fierce embrace of hard rock with a clearly contemporary vocal influence and an ultimately creative, passionate core.

    OBLIVEA puts in a genuine and mighty performance throughout the changing stages of the track. Mellow verses allow the rasp and vulnerability of the tone and concept to reach out. Then there’s the sudden weight and ache of the hook 

  • – an outcry loaded with authenticity thanks to a clear connection to the subject matter.

    It’s a voice born to perform in this way, and it’s elevated all the more so thanks to a multi-layered rock soundscape complete with crashing drums and soulful solos to round things up.

    Ultimately declaring a need for one more dance, one more chance – ONE MORE TRY is every bit as hopeful and longing as its title implies. A strong introduction to the artist.

    Read Review Here

  • Digital Single Release 7.21.20 | Worldwide

  • Digital Single Release 4.24.20 | Worldwide