"Born Dainty" is the debut single by American Idol contestant Kelly Caruso. Kelly is in the same genre as Carrie Underwood, Kelly Clarkson and Miranda Lambert. "Born Dainty" is a rocking modern country tune. Written by Gar Francis.
Two weeks after "Born Dainty" was released, the single was placed in the new documentary film about Nashville's Rollergirls.
Which premiered on April 19,2012 at the Nashville Film Festival.
Kelly Caruso - Born Dainty
Bongo Boy Records sent me a copy of the new single by former American Idol contestant Kelly Caruso. Since I haven't lived in the US for about three years, I'd never heard of Kelly Caruso. That is probably a good thing, had I, I might have been tempted to prejudge her music based on the fact that when I did live in the US I was tuned off by American Idol.
This stems from one episode in which Simon was heaping praise all over a little girl, not because she possessed any great musical ability, but because she was commercial with a capital C. Now, I get that this is a business and people need to make money,
( I even had to start charging ten bones per review, to pay my hosting bill. ) BUT I'd like to think that the music comes first and the image somewhere further down the list.
Alas, that often isn't the case. However, I can say that I am writing this review based on what I've heard in the song. (OK, I did have some pretty high expectations for this track, because it was written by one of my favorite players, Gar Francis.)
The musicians on this country/rock single are:
Gar Francis - Banjo/Guitar/Keys
Kurt Reil ( The Grip Weeds) - Drums
Mike Caruso (The Doughboys) - Bass
First things first, I dig the music. It's got an old Charlie Daniels - Skynyrd feel. As an old drummer, I have to say I really like what Keith Reil is doing. I also dig the leads Gar pulls out at the tail end of the song; and some people say Country doesn't jam! When done right, it jams indeed. Kelly has a strong voice that gets better on the chorus. She can sing and seems to have the kind of gutsy attitude that I dig.
Think of a kind of Country Gore Gore Girls and you are on the right track.This is a good song. It's worth the buck at iTunes. While I enjoyed listening to Born Dainty, I'd like to hear more of what she does. So what is the bottom line?
All in all a good song from a young woman with a strong voice and some really good players.
Grouch rating 3.5 scowls out of 5 - I'd like to hear more. You can get a copy on Itunes, CD Baby and other online locations.
Reviewed by The Grouchy Gaijin- Sweden
01. Born Dainty
Released: Feb 14th, 2012
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